1) why is it that conservatives champion the "joe six packs," but refuse to pay them living wages? seems like one doesn't follow the other...
2) Trojan Brand Condoms is imploring Americans to "Join the movement to help America evolve. Use a condom every time." i thought that was interesting marketing, because the first thing that came to mind was "wow, i bet the creationists are going to have a problem with that." and then i remembered that creationists are probably also the same bunch teaching abstinence-only sex ed and not using birth control.

i thought the use of the word "evolve" was an interesting choice as well, considering the implications of "the smart choice," the non-ape-ish thing to do. but there's also the idea of "survival of the fittest" – thinning the gene pool and leaving only those best able to survive current conditions. and i thought that maybe in our current state of environmental, political, economic, financial, existential and spiritual duress, how maybe what we need is less "ignorant" people. and i thought of how maybe the "smart" thing to do would be less human reproduction. but then, isn't Trojan missing the demographic that needs birth control the most? hmm... ?
also, i found this segment from the Daily Show on undecided voters particularly on point:
very good points, my friend! i love the daily show, and haven't been keeping up with it lately because of my schedule, but i did catch this episode. sam bee is awesome!
i also enjoy the trojan commercial where the men are literally pigs, but then one finds a condom and is transformed into a hottie. the song in the background goes "look at me baby, i just got wings" or something like that. they must have a genius marketing team.
"sam bee is awesome!"
funny you should say that, b/c she reminds me a lot of you! and yes, she IS awesome.
haha thanks!
embarrassingly enough, i read perezhilton.com pretty much daily...but i saw this today and thought of you and this post: http://perezhilton.com/2008-10-23-quote-of-the-day-358
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