school's been getting me down lately, because they (the administration, the bureaucracy, "them" who are not "me" or "us") won't let me take the classes i want and need to research my thesis.
basically, the line they give me has been some variation on "So... it sounds like you're interested in X. I recommend studying X before you write your thesis. But we don't have classes in X, and the ones that are necessary we won't let you take, so you'll have to independently work on it yourself. But you shouldn't work by yourself, because you could get lost. But I don't have time to help you. But you should study..."
since school can be so depressing, let's not think about it, and turn our attentions instead to an informal institution of education, the internet...
i've been asked by many friends and professors for my opinion on what i see blogs doing for democracy. on the one hand, we have (for us with internet access) unlimited opportunity to self-publish and voice our opinion. we have as much freedom and place in the great digital mesh of voices as big corporations and established news zines for our own work. this has potential for revolutions and subversions of established publishing powers and authorities. unfortunately, the blog has increasingly become less a medium of value and dependable journalism, and more a cheap and instant way to distribute porn, spam, and the mundane stories of extra ordinary individuals in their endearing self-assumed importance.
and don't get me wrong, i saw myself falling into the latter category too. that's why i dropped the other blogs and have been working hard to keep this blog about "significant" things (i.e. not my personal life or my day to day activities, but about breakthrus, however minor they may be, or nuances for my senior project).
= i'm a
serious blogger now.
and rather than bore u with too many rantings about my institution of higher "learning," i shall wax philosophical about personal communication and the internet.
i've had too many relationships depend on email. i meet many ppl who insist on emailing as our only form of communication. which is fine, b/c i hate the phone, and there's a certain comfortable familiarity with our computers that i think enables us to email/IM/text one another so easily. in fact, most of my most meaningful relationships have been through email (i can think of at least 5 really good friends who i got to know and continue to know thru email).
is this not in a way sad? why are we so interpersonally starved that we must maintain barriers of metal and wires between us? why are we so comfortable to talk about ourselves to a nameless anonymous void called the blogosphere when we could easily step next door and sit down with a friend and talk face-to-face instead?
b/c we're scared of being intellectuals, of being thinking, feeling humans. we're robots, don't you know? and horrible exhibitionists. everyone's vying for a piece of that 15 minutes.
even me. and a blog is such a quick dirty way to do it.
here's a conversation i had with my friend matt a while ago. we discussed this theory over, what else, an online chatting service. i think we came to some pretty revealing conclusions.
beep beep
blah blah
---> he has some thoughts on myspaciness too!12:37 AM Matt: wow, you're pretty prolific with your blogging
me: how's that now?
12:38 AM Matt: you write a lot
me: oh. i guess.
12:39 AM i thot you were referring to my many blogs
i have like 5 now...
i have commitment issues
you want the perfect url name
and then maybe you don't like the username you chose or something
it's pretty ridiculous
12:44 AM Matt: it's like the slightly more mature older sibling of livejournal
me: i know
12:45 AM but i have more respect for bloggers than livejournalists
i mean, that's just so obviously narcissistic
Matt: true
me: this way we can at least be subtle egoists
Matt: haha, yeah
12:46 AM that's what's so great about it, you can write about yourself without feeling like you're forcing yourself on anyone, since its voluntary
me: exactly
and it's like being semi-published
12:47 AM there's at least some validity to it
12:50 AM Matt: there's something about this whole idea of personal blogging that's so interesting... the idea that you put your personal thoughts out there for the entire internet to see
me: yeah definitely
Matt: stuff that you wouldn't tell the people around you
me: i mean, you wouldnt' publish your diary, right?
i know1
12:51 AM Matt: you'd think not... but apparently we do
or would
me: i'm more honest on my blog than i am to my friends and family in person
what is it about the perceived anonymity of the internet that allows us to abandon our inhibitions
perhaps it's because we feel no one is watching and reading
but isn't that sad?
we're a generation that assumes no one cares
12:52 AM Matt: but on one hand, i think i kinda want someone to be reading
me: yeah but does anyone?
Matt: just someone i dont know
me: we all crave audiences, few of us get any
Matt: an anonymous admirer
me: yup
Matt: yeah, there's probably not
me: it's so narcissistic
Matt: but there could be
you never know
that's the genius of it, i guess
me: what self-absorbed bastards all of us are
12:53 AM Matt: haha, what else is there
me: right right
i think a lot of it is seeking validation too
you feel more real and alive when you see other ppl noticing you
Matt: yeah, definitely
12:54 AM me: how else are you sure you're not living a dream?
12:55 AM Matt: yeah, how else can you form/maintain a self-image
me: i know, we have to rely on others to help us shape our selves
how sad and pathetic we all are
Matt: i'd like to think it's at least endearing sad and pathetic
12:56 AM me: haha i guess it is
Matt: *endearingly
me: you have to work for the endearing tho
we've grown up not believing anyone cares about us
so what do we become?
whiny emo exhibitionists armed with liejournals and myspace accounts
or blogs and facebooks, if you're classy.
1:00 AM Matt: ha, exactly